What's Remy Hair, Virgin Hair & Raw Hair?
Remy (or Remi) Hair is the special hair extensions that have all the cuticles running in the same direction. And it is bundled in such a manner that the roots of the hair are on one side and the tip of the hair on the opposite side.
"Remy Hair" is the best hair you can buy actually. To be remy hair, the hair material must be the ponytails which are collected directly from females' heads and cut while the hair is banded.
But because so many hair companies knowingly lied about their product being "Remy", hair buyers think "Remy" is cheap hair gradually. Which sparked the boom to create a new marketing term called "VIRGIN HAIR".
And as more and more hair sellers use the term "virgin hair" to describe their best hair, hair buyers turn their nose up and roll their eyes when they hear the word "Remy" because they think it's "bad hair".

Based on such an industry status, rare hair sellers use "remy hair" to describe their best hair now.
Virgin Hair
Virgin Hair is the hair that has never been chemically processed.
"Virgin Hair" and "Remy Hair" describe hair from different aspects:
- "Remy" emphasize hair cuticles running in the same direction.
- "Virgin" emphasize hair never experience chemical process.
But in a certain sense, virgin hair means remy hair.
Because only the hair material which have all the cuticles running in the same direction (remy hair) can be made into hair bundles or other hair products WITHOUT any chemical process.

In other words, if there are hair strands run in the different direction (non-remy hair), the hair has to be chemically processed more or less before being made into bundles to prevent tangling and shedding.
So just like remy hair, to be genuine virgin hair, the hair material must be the ponytails which are cut directly from the females' heads while the hair is banded.
Raw Hair
Like the fate of "remy hair", the term "virgin hair" is increasingly abused by those dishonest hair sellers since it was created. It is no exaggeration to say that most of the so-called "virgin hair" in the market now is NOT genuine virgin hair.

So in recent years, a new marketing term called "Raw Hair" was created trying to replace "virgin hair" to be the term for the "best hair".
According to the raw hair sellers' description, Raw Hair is the highest quality hair because it is so pure and natural that it is not even been steam processed.
As one of the honest hair sellers who carry genuine virgin/remy hair, we also think it's time to create a new term to replace "virgin hair" for marketing, because as the term "virgin hair" is increasingly abused, more and more hair consumers don't believe the "virgin hair" anymore.
But we don't think the concept "raw hair" is a good idea, because it's kind of false advertising:
- First of all, the steam process has been an essential step in the production process of hair products for several decades since the modern hair industry started. It does not diminish the hair quality actually.
- Second of all, besides creating a consistent beautiful curl pattern in the hair, more importantly, steam process is the most economical, and healthiest way to kill all the bacteria and lice! If the "raw hair" is not even been steam processed, then has it been sanitized? If it has, How?